Using a pair of beard trimming scissors (or mustache scissors) for the first time can be frightening, especially when you've undergone the patience and dedication towards growing it to its current length. The fear is slicing off a bit too much and having to shave it all off afterwards. Trust me, this does happen and we're here to give you a solution on how to trim your beard, the techniques and remedies pre and post trim, and the differences between beard scissors vs beard trimming clippers.
First off, you may be questioning the need to even trim in the first place. You may be striving for a huge 5+ inch beard or a certain style and may think trimming would be destructive towards your beard styling goals. It is important fellas, and absolutely necessary for the betterment of your facial hair.
Having a better beard is not just simply abstaining from the razor. It's cultivated and requires grooming and maintenance. But it doesn't have to be difficult or for that matter, anxiety-provoking. Follow these simple grooming guidelines for your next beard trim and you'll be wearing a beard with much more pride.
Now that you've decided that trimming the ole' beard can no doubt improve it, let's talk about the tools.
Available in all different shapes, sizes, and strengths, clippers can be quite overwhelming. Not to mention the countless add-on clips and guards you have to scramble through. But the right pair of high quality clippers has its advantages in speed, ease, and convenience. Here are some of the benefits and advantages:
Scissors are a much simpler instrument and ready-to-go for a quick cleanup for those stray and splitend hairs. However, quality is essential when choosing your first pair. Cheap low quality scissors can ruin your beard with the worst case scenario of having to shave it all off. That's why you want to avoid dull, unsharp blades as they can snag and pluck the hairs. A high quality pair of scissors, like our Barber's Beard Trimming Scissors , can give you the easiest, most precise, confident trim.
The ability of an amazing pair of scissors gives you full control of cutting how much or how little you want to cut. Any of those wirey hairs poking out of your face can simply be pushed up through a high quality comb and snipped off in a matter of seconds. Meanwhile, an electric trimmer/clipper can take unintentionally run through areas of your beard, leaving a naked patch of skin behind.
Each tool has it's pros and cons but it's vital that you choose your preference with regards to high quality. A high quality trimmer will outperform a low quality pair of scissors any day - and vice versa. Do not overlook quality when choosing your first pair, no matter the price tag. The investment is worth while and can transform your bearded appearance.
Take a look at this horrifying comparison between a high quality blade and a low quality blade.
Scary right? Needless to say, the sharper the better. This is what we meant that a high quality, sharp pair of scissors can give you that softer, tapered finish. But ultimately a low quality pair of scissors can still yield your follicle looking like the one on the right.
The above microscopic photo shows what the detrimental effects of low quality manufacturing can leave your beard looking like. You wouldn't even know that your beard is suffering this damage post-trim but the effects are significant. This is why quality matters.
Trimming a beard with scissors can be intimidating at first, but becomes super easy and the go-to choice after a little practice. To make sure your first trim goes right, here are some step by step pointers for the perfect trim.
A high quality pair of scissors or trimmers will get the job done right. It's a matter of preference. With a sharp pair of quality Beard Trimming Scissors , you have full control over the styling and texture of your beard. It's reliable, long-lasting, and simple once you get the hang of it.
Although scissors take a bit more practice, the effects tremendously outperform the traditional clippers. Ever walk into a cheap barber shop and get a $10 haircut? The barber typically finishes in 10 minutes and primarily uses the clippers and just traces it against the shape of your head. Meanwhile, a more qualified barber at a high-end salon takes his time primarily with his professional scissors to give you a starkly, aesthetic style that always leaves you satisfied. The differences are night and day.
We hope this article helped clear up any confusions on how to trim your beard and the reasons why you should. The difference it will make is remarkable. With that all said, beard on and have a better beard.